Our Mission
To maintain our core services as an independent and leading provider of Verticals Transportation Systems(VTS) namely Elevator , Escalator, Moving walks, Parking System and all sort of Construction hoits.
Our Vision
To become the industry reference for what we do and to make our Company a happy and inspirational place to work and elevate living standard of our compatriots.
BEELIA Membership
We are proud to be the Member of BEELIA.
Our BEELIA General Membership No. 01.
Formation of Bangladesh Elevator, Escalators & Lift Importers Association (BEELIA)
It was a long-standing requirement of Elevator Companies in Bangladesh to form an
Association. Several attempt were taken during last 50 years of Bangladesh but all the
efforts gone in vain.
Some young entrepreneur took initiative sometimes in 2018 and again the effort got standstill
in the middle. Later our CEO join hands with them and finally, the Association got License
from Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh, License No. 28/2021 and
under Register of Joint Stock Companies as Trade Organization, TO No. 1032/2021.
Our CEO elected as the First President of BEELIA and leading the Association from the